Sunday, January 01, 2006


Ah, the first day of my sabbatical leave!

This leave was first proposed to the Church Board of St. Mark's in March of 2003. It was offered as one of two parts to the conclusion of a three-year faith formation programme that would provide members with an opportunity to explore, test, and push our understandings of Christian faith, building a common foundation upon which to claim our faith. The two concluding parts would be an extensive mission assessment (Joint Needs Assessment) of goals and objectives to which the congregation is called in light of our faith and a four month sabbatical leave for me.

The objective of the leave is to provide me with some space after nearly twenty years of pastoral ministry at St. Mark's to step back, breathe, rest and restore. I've found the word "restoration" particularly informative when I think of this time: re - store - ation. After twenty years of preaching, pastoral care, and Christian education I feel a bit like the stores after Boxing Day sales -- the shelves empty, the remaining product strewn about, and the staff weary. This sabbatical leave is a time to restock the shelves, test some new products, and rebuild the inventory!

So, objectives are rest, restoration and reflection as I travel round the world.

My first stop is Australia where I will spend time with my brother, read, and connect with a senior Fellow of the Jesus Seminar, an association of cutting-edge biblical scholars, and leaders of the emerging world-wide progressive Christian movement.

Bali, in Indonesia, will provide me with a chance to engage both Asian and Hindu cultures for the first time while I enjoy the splendour of what I am told is an utterly beautiful land.

I will spend Lent, Passover, and Easter in Jerusalem. During this time I will focus on spiritual alertness as I soak up the sights, sounds, and spirit of this centre of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It will be interesting to bring the emerging Christian perspectives explored while in Australia to this land of religious orthodoxy! The box of books I’ve shipped to Jerusalem all focus on progressive biblical study.

The final two weeks of my leave will be spent in Paris and London. Paris is my favourite place on the planet. It is always good for my soul when I am there. And in London I will have time to visit with our St. Mark's friends the Naylors.

The phograph of an Indian woman refreshing herself with the sacred waters of the river is symbolic for me of this time.

Stay tuned to this blog. I will post reflections and accounts as I travel. Join the "Notify List" linked to the right and you'll receive notification of when I've added a posting. I welcome your comments and thoughts, too! Post as you will!

OK, time to start packing and getting myself together . . . I have only a couple days before I leave . . .


Blogger He's Not Home (again) said...

Sorry about the "Notify List" option. It is temporarily not available -- check for it the next time you log on.

2:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're so glad you are a techie! It will make your absence much easier to take.
We look forward to reading your perspectives. Safe journeys.

3:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are well. Imagine, you are in Australia and Robin is in China........the mind boggles. Stay well.

1:14 am  

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