Sunday, March 12, 2006

Service of Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel

This is the week of International Church Action for Peace in Palestine and Israel. An ecumenical service of prayer was held Sunday afternoon at the Benedictine St. Stephen's Basilica on Nablus Road in East Jerusalem. The readings, in Arabic and English, were Micah 6: 6 -8, Psalm 121, Philippians 4: 6 - 9, and Matthew 5: 1 - 12.

The Prayer of Penitence spoken by all echoed the sense in the Hindu tradition that the divine will is for balance. When that balance is distrupted, life itself is disrupted:

God, so much conflict is within ourselves.
Our Jealousy, our pride, our passion, our power-seeking and our greed
all disturb the balance of life and undermine the harmony of society.

Forgive us.

Lead us by your Spirit
that in our lives love may go hand in hand with peace
so filling our community with joy.

And this prayer, spoken at the close of the service launched the week of International Church Action for Peace in Palestine and Israel:

Holy Spirit, give us thet spiritual fruit of peace;
the peace that cares for the wellbeing of the people;
the peace that rebukes injustice and violence;
the peace that seeks freedom for all;
the peace that heals the hurts of the past;
the peace that enables for today and releases the potential for tomorrow;
the peace that is new life in Christ.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy Uncle!
Miss ya a bunch! Although I havn't left near the amount of messages I wanted to, I want you to know I wait for your blog thingy to notify me you've made an entry. I think of you everyday and wonder what you are doing. I prey that you are safe such a distance from home. Maybe that's my cop side coming out.....I'm sure you're just fine. I've read your entries several times over and awe at the pictures and the incredible descriptors you provide. You are experiencing an amazing adventure. I'm both envious and proud of you.
Continue to update everyone here. I know people, like me, find it hard to reply to your entries.........yet I know we all are reading with great admiration.

Be safe.


10:03 pm  

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